Natural Products
MKİ Chemical aims to improve life quality of yours, your beloved ones and your domestic animals. To achieve this; before the manufacturing process of innovative , qualified products; it is certificated after long term R&D study.
In our products; toxins, allergens and carcinogenic agents, which are scientifically proven and are under discussion, are not used. High quality, Europe originated raw materials, which bear cosmetics features, are supplied. The oils and our other inputs are not petroleum-derived and synthetic but they are obtained through natural processes.
As MKİ Chemical; we see reliability as a whole. We define it starting from process stage to the customer use stage. Our main principal is a reliable product; and our ambition is an increasing quality in planning process, supply network, production inputs and bulk product process, to have aluminum packages, to improve quality in production processes, dispatch process. With put common policy; we aim to sustain our respect and appreciation to customer expectations in the market.
MKİ Chemical aims to improve life quality of yours, your beloved ones and your domestic animals. To achieve this; before the manufacturing process of innovative , qualified products; it is certificated after long term R&D study. With our product qualities and innovative approach; we adopt the aim to obtain multiple results from single broad-spectrum product according to the purpose of use. This makes us superior and economic in terms of quality.
Assitance and Support
MKİ Chemical provides training for the responsible and employees in the product sale points; that describes the features and qualifications. All points of sale are equipped as assistance and support unit. The usage and features are defined on the product labels that comply with the legislations of laws and regulations issued by the related Ministry. You may contact our mail address given in the contact details for all your questions and ideas.
Contact Details